How to Buy
Option 1
SMS/Whatsapp/Wechat us the product codes (product name)that you want, We will reply total amount that you should bank in to us.
After bank in inform us your mailling address,Name & Contact Number, whatsapp/wechatus the bank receipt. Once we confirm your payment will send out the parcel toyou by the same day if payment confirmed make before 3pm daily. Within 1-2Working days reach you by courier.
Contact Us (Press here)
Our Bank account (Press Here)
Option 2
Direct order at our website. This is thefastest way and easier way to order and make payment online(Accept Credit cardVISA/MASTER & Online Banking)
Below are the instruction toorder at our website.
Select on preferable product and click on button “ADDTO CART”
You will be directed to a page for cartsummary. If you wish to check out with PayPal directly, kindly click on thebutton “Checkout with PayPal”. Or else,you can proceed by click on button “Proceed To Checkout”.
If you are a returning customer, pleaselogin with the email address you registered with us. If you are new, pleasecreate an account with us to ease the buying process.
Now, please fill in the billing addressdetails. You may either choose from the list that you have been created beforeor to add in a new one.
Lastly, please select on the method ofpayment either PayPal or BankDeposit.
After click on the button “Proceedto Payment”, you will be lead to either PayPalwebsite to execute the payment. Once the process is done, you’ll be directedback to our website.